1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Whatz the worst that will happen when an outcome fell through ! We try again! The worst that happens when we fail to try ! We fail for life ! Weather losses or gains , everything deserves our best shot
Let the desire to succeed be stronger than the danger associated with the task ahead coz that's how we develop thick skin needed for our victories! Don't ever surrender to the glory of failure ! Try again ! Again and again! The game is not over until we win! And when playing with failure delaying gratification is always a great tactics to be able to get to the score line and finally get the goal post busted
We are incredibly capable! No matter what life throws at us, try to SURVIVE! By all means never let go of that believe! Their will always be moments of horror where everything appears to be without hope! The point is things might appear to WORSE but that doesn't mean we can't handle it! The task in life is to try as much as possible to constantly figure a way out of wilderness of LIFE.
We are the reason why! Our lives matters! Things are going to change ! Never stop until they do! Don't allow your dream fall under our fears sword! Don't let what you are meant to become be extinguished by FEAR ! Bleed that doubt to death by overcoming every challenge! Be bold enough to face the future and fight every battle life throws with bravery! We can achieve anything just BELIEVE.LuvLuv!
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