1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
The death of something could be the beginning of greater things in life if we never focus on that failed outcome longer than necessary! It's ok to grieve a little over our wasted efforts but don't let it bury the rest of your dreams!
There is nothing in our past that cannot be forged into a weapon to accelerate the winning of future battles! U know the truth is no one goes through life without battling through its challenges. Don't ever let anything stop U! Refuse your dreams to get lost in the midst of life crisis! Don't judge yourself so harshly that U get condemned in the prison of depression! RATHER be driven by that pain in other to attain greater heights! Rise from the ASHES of that failure!
Don't get worked up when people say NO to your course! Coz for every NO we get today! prepares us for billions of Future YES! U know when we fall, we either land on our BACK and really get comfortable on the ground or we land on our FEET and continue chasing ! It's our choice! And those that land on their back usually tell the tales of the HEROES that never allow their back hit the ground! LuvLuv.
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The past is meant to direct, guide and prevent the future from failing again! We are meant to learn and move on from it !