1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
No one gets into a fight without the expectation of winning! There is nothing like fighting for the fun of it! We fight because of the dignity associated with winning the trophy !
Life does not hand us what we desire until we have proven we really deserve it! And to actually own something we have to want it bad enough and be willing to do EVERYTHING it takes to get to it! U know something like fighting off our doubts! Defeating limitations,winning against the fears etc ! All of these are battles a hero goes through before he can be celebrated! So get ready to give all of U coz that's what is required! When it comes to success half measures are not accepted! So READY YOURSELF ITS TIME TO WIN! Luv Luv!
Fighting for that which we want seems to be the oldest strategy that still works , sitting around for things to come to u might work but be sure to get ONLY left overs !
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Fighting for that which we want seems to be the oldest strategy that still works , sitting around for things to come to u might work but be sure to get ONLY left overs !