1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Success is like two sides of a coin! On one side of it we have RESPONSIBILITY and the other side lies the REWARD! We live in a world where many wants the fruits of Labour without the work! People mostly focus on the benefits side of winning forgetting the cost of such level of SUCCESS! LIFE DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY U KNOW! It operates on input/output method!
Anyone that wants that sweet mangoes on that tree should be willing to climb to fetch it ! Coz failure to do that , irrespective how many hours, days or years spent on the ground we will be getting nothing . We have to back up that feeling of want WITH the right actions to be able to get satisfied in the end.
Get out there ! Be willing to flip the coin! Take calculated risk! Hustle ! Be unafraid to fall rather be ashamed to remain on the ground longer than necessary!Enjoy Getting betrayed coz the world is full of self centered individuals that wouldn't think twice throwing U under the bus! Have fun with several rejections! Get ready to be ridiculed! Above all never let go no matter the circumstances! Lots of things we try our purpose ! Never allow situations break U! Rather break record with that thunderous SUCCESS! It's never easy to win but the joy and the feelings it brings it totally worth every sacrifices.LuvLuv!
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No work! No pay! Better move that lazy ass and step up or get crushed by failure your call!