1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Uncomfortable situations will always try to convince our brain and strength that the task ahead is mission impossible. Don't ever listen to any form of negativity if we plan on making a mark in life . We have to push our body hard enough to adapt to our no surrender plans. And just because we can't see a way through doesn't mean there isn't any or that we can't figure out one! Take a second, third and forever look when the need arises! Coz once we hang in there long enough something must surface!
Heroes are not just ordinary people , they are held at very high esteem because of what they have CONQUERED. They mould themselves in the fire of their will and fought every battle with great enthusiasm and strength to arrive at where they are today. U know to able to emulate their ways and RISE OUT OF THE ASHES OF POVERTY INTO THE LIGHT OF ABUNDANCE, we have to be willing to eliminate all excuses, coz the truth is no one gives a rat-ass about THE WHY'S , WHEN'S AND THE HOW'S all they want to see is that we delivered in the end ! our only responsibility and acceptable reason Will not be giving our critiques something to laugh about or disappointing our mission, NO NO NO! We are meant to beat the odds and scale through .
Naked ambition, focus and ruthless determination is what ensures a warrior survives in an unfamiliar environment! And as a wannabe hero, we have to possess same quality , drive and sense of duty. In our desperation to find answers,solutions and way out, beware of wolf's in sheep's clothing, there will be people that would tell us they have it all at their disposal, they would often promise an easy and best way to achieve our goals, the truth is if they have it all figured out why aren't they using it to their advantage already, the last time I checked people put on their parachute first before helping others wear theirs ! Always be suspicious when A NAKED PERSON OFFERS U CLOTHS! No one knows shit! We learn the best way to achieve intended results through trial and errors!
ABOVE ALL, follow your guts, goals, plans and never leave your endurance suit behind and always remember to keep matching forward , never looking back to be able to direct your story to the intended happy ending .Luv Luv!
U know when things appears too good to be true we start doubting the geniuenity of the result . It's natural for things to get hard especially great things. So don't get discouraged by Rocky roads try to make it till the end of it to celebrate your big win
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Everything uncomfortable has its own comfortable side that is worth every sacrifice!
Nice quote
Thanks Benjamin
U know when things appears too good to be true we start doubting the geniuenity of the result . It's natural for things to get hard especially great things. So don't get discouraged by Rocky roads try to make it till the end of it to celebrate your big win