1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
In 2017, A jobless,clueless and lazy man named lucky wins one MILLION dollars ($1,000,000) in XYZ jackpot raffle draw! And all of a sudden his millionaire wishes finally becomes REAL! Anybody rejoicing for Mr Lucky! Yeah!! yeah!! yeah!!!
Let me break your heart right now! Mr lucky's lifestyles obviously upgraded as he doubled on every of his expenditure including his money for horny calls. But unfortunately six months down the line everything vanishes like the ghosts in my fairy tale story books. He became poorer than he was !
Here comes the MILLION dollar question! How did this happen? How was it possible to grow from hero to zero all of a sudden? The Answer lies in this equation: ( Money * zero-investments * expenditure = zero) =(M*ZI*E=0) showing full work we have :
ME=Monthly expenditure= $200,000
T= Time = 5months
E= Earnings= 0
Solving further we have : ME*T=$1,000,000 =TE (total expenditure
L- TE+ E=$1,000,000-$1,000,000+0=0
Hence Mr Lucky =0 (poor again) poor lucky! His glory died faster than T.V. commercials!
Section B
In same 2017 , Mr Wisdom SMART total savings is three hundred housand dollars ($300,000) He started a side business with the money and six months after, his total incomes becomes eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000 ). Great! Great!!Great!!! Waoo is Wisdom smart lucky or is it something else! Let's find out !
Mr Wisdom invested the money in real estate business! He purchases land and resells after appreciation and he choose to deal with properties because it gives him time to do his other jobs and again lands hardly depreciates. He purchased ABC lands at the rate of three hundred thousand dollars ( $300,000) and sold after six months for $600,000) and saved up extra two hundred thousand ($200,000) from his job making total of eight hundred thousand net balance. ($800,000) . Waooo! Waooo!!Waooo!!! Just like that hero story in my REALITY shows!
In conclusion , We have seen as uncommitted funds, and spending without earning can lead us far back where we started and some extreme cases, we lands in situation worse than we started! THINK of financial liberation ,THINK of investments there are millions of businesses just grab the one u have knowledge and faith in and run with it! There is no better way to enrich yourself than working hard and letting your money work for you as well! LuvLuv
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Thanks,I really learn alot on the write up.
Thank U Mr.Bukola. Am humbled that my write ups inspired U