1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
When a girl says NO doesn't mean she is forming hard to get or something.You have to respect and resist from ripping her pants off and back out!
NO doesn't mean she likes it rough hence wants U to force your soldier inside! NO is a complete sentence and never another form of YES! Don't let your lustful desires misinterpret stuff! DO NOT RAPE!
Flirtation is not an automatic agreement for sex. A responsible man still needs to ask weather it's okay SEX happens to be on same page with her!
Wearing revealing cloths doesn't mean she is asking for it and if you are so aroused by the way she dresses, look away coz the last time I checked, you are still in control of your visual senses! There is no acceptable excuse to rape! zip it all up!
Being with a drunk and vulnerable girl is not an opportunity given to unleash your Dragon BUT a chance to proof you are a responsible gentleman
The fact that u choose her does not mean she has to choose u back! U can crush all u want but If she is not feeling u my dear by all means walk away after all the population of women still surpasses that of men so why the desperation! U don't have to gang rape her as a punishment for not reciprocating! Love is natural and she couldn't bear to live a lie with U ,respect her honesty and search else where ! Rape is a serious emotional and physical crime beware!
Silence does not mean YES! Rape is not only when she screams her lungs out, fights u off or yell go away! That's not true and unless she participates, it's rape get that right!
She still has the right to change her mind even in the middle of a fore-play. The fact that your soldier is standing attention doesn't mean it can't stand down when the battle is called off! U do not have the right to force her to play till the end of game! The last time I checked u can still change your mind about buying a certain cloths even after u have tried it out! So get your self- control pills refilled and always on standby
Bride prize doesn't give u right to rape! If U don't know how to appreciate and seduce her to make love to u willingly, then it's time to rediscover that relationship and leave her the hell alone until u do!
The kingdom of God must have suffered violence and the violent taketh it by force THAT DOES NOT APPLY TO A WOMAN'S BODY! Christians take note!
Being the trusted and favourite uncle does not come with some sexual benefits from those entrusted in your care! Apart from the fact that u are betraying trust, u are also committing an abomination before GOD and MAN! so put it back in your pants and find non related consented ADULT like U!
Mr.pedophile listen, forcing children to grow up before their due time by cajoling them to play ADULT games makes U a bloody rapist too! Coz at that young age, a child's brain can hardly fathom the danger in what U are introducing them into
It's pathetic how some men belief that an erected penis does not have conscience .That's not true coz it's only animals that act out of control .We have been given charge over our body and our actions are controlled through our thoughts that's why humans walk on two legs and not four .Think about the consequences of hurting another human being, put your daughter, sister ,mother , wife and baby-mama in your victims shoe before allowing blood flw to that other side of your brain .AND PARENTS please raise your sons right! Bring them up to respect women, their rights and body and not take advantage of their weaker muscle to abuse them in anyway, shape or form! Don't offer bribe to sexually abused victim to safe your sons or brothers ass coz that would be putting more girls in same fate. He has to take responsibility for his actions
DO YOU KNOW THAT 1 out of every 10 girls are being sexually molested and majority of these cases go unreported and unpunished! The fear of stigmatization and shame always causes the victims to die in silent. But sweetheart in other to get the justice u deserve, and end the circle of abuse u must speak out.U are not a victim but a survivor! U can still be all u wanna be! OPERA WILFRED was raped at 9 but that never stopped her from achieving all of her dreams! WE CAN TOO!LuvLuv
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There is no justification to rape someone ! And it's a serious crime too ! So learn to control yourself!
Don't teach your daughters not to trust men coz that might sentence her to singlehood for life rather teach your sons its WRONG TO RAPE!