1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Out of the abundance of the minds , The earth giveth! and through the flow of our thoughts comes the realities of life!
Every fear has a wish! And every wish cries out for fulfillment! The reality is we attract whatever we fear! Come to think of it! Have you ever wondered how a teacher always spots the timid and unprepared student whose wish is never to be picked to answer any question??? That is the LAW OF ATTRACTION IN ACTION!
We are all created to shine, and once we believe that greatness lies within us, we radiate success and hence attract good fortune.
When we visualize clearly, frequently and without doubt , we bring into manifestation our desires! Focus on your dream to attract the inspiration to usher it into reality.
Decide what will be , who will be and how you are gonna do it. That is how we maintain control and command our wishes to existence.
As you think , so shall you become! Think thoughts of LACK CONTANTLY and poverty becomes the best companion you will ever have.
Detest from all negative vibrations to avoid being blessed with badluck! Coz the universe responds to the energy that flows out of us and thus uses it to command our wishes regardless weather is favourable or not .
Like attracts Like! Don't like what you dislike to prevent the universe forcing it down your throat!
Whatever the mind sees ,surely our hands is likely to be favoured with its feels!
The pocket that gives never lacks GOLD! And the hand that helps without hesitation never goes without the universe returning the favour! Learn the act of true giving coz a tight fisted finger also prevents itself from receiving!
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Awesome. Well done!
Thank you!
Nice one on law of attraction... we are the product of our thoughts.
Exactly Mr Reuben! Whatever we think about, we bring about.
As u think so are u...the best thoughts is God's. Be transformed by his word.
You are a different woman,God bless u ooooo.
Thank you Mr. Francis