1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
NO EXCUSE IS GOOD ENOUGH ................
SCREW ALL EXCUSES! U know when we let go of what we think stops us, surrender the current misinterpretation of what we think has a stronghold on our dreams, let go of all doubts and setbacks, that is when we let in unexplored ideas into our understanding thus changing things for the best
Enough of this : I would have! Should have or could have! If only I had ....... ! One thing about individuals who whine and complain about how things would have been better IF......! Is that they do so to distract themselves and others from seeing the real reason why they are stuck with failure!
We don't want to be excuse-making or defense masters coz professional justifiers never accomplishes anything !
It is human nature to make mistakes! It's totally cool to blow it, goof or make a mess of things sometimes but the important thing is taking responsibility , learning and moving on from that point to where we planned to be! Life is never easy anywhere , but living and surviving is what makes us master of the game.
Those that need rainbow are always prepared to deal with the rain anytime! LuvLuv!
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