1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
This can't be it! We worth more! We can do so much better! No half measures ! In all aspect of life don't settle for less! Work hard for the more we desire to become reality! Gone are the days we accept failure as it is ! There is no excuse what so ever not to live up to expectation! Nothing good comes easy! There are sacrifices required! Each and every of our aspirations comes with their own cross ! The question now is are we gonna chicken out? Are we gonna take the bull by the horn?? Is that whatever it takes spirit louder than our fear???
Remember the teste of honey comes with the sting of bees! Nothing comes without a cost! And those that made it to the top aren't those without fears , doubts, set backs or limitation but what makes the difference is they were able to work it out! They were able to create their own path, they make the future they dreamed about Come through because of their believe and hardwork! Don't be found wanting success is part of God's plan for us all! Nothing hurts than living a life full of regrets and failed dreams! Failing is not where our doom lies but in giving up hope that's where we get finished!LuvLuv !
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