1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Who are we behind the mask? When the covered spots are removed, what is gonna be found? The person we are perceived to be is it truly the person we are? Our public image does it match with our character?
Who we are when No one is watching is it same person seen when one looks?
Who are we within closed doors? Remember nothing stays hidden forever and eventually the mask would fall off and the question remains : Are people gonna be disappointed or are they gonna be pleasantly surprised? The truth is our conscience knows already!
A friend was nearly raped by a married REV inside his office in the church premises! she was saved because of a knock on the door! Are we pretending to be good or are we really as good as we seem ? I escaped being raped twice by the so called "holier than thou" people! These attempted atrocities weren't done by guys with sagged pants and tattoos . It's was perpetrated by the people whose pubilc image exceeds their personal character !
Experience has made me trust the deeds of people more than their words or who they front ! No one needs to say they can be trusted, from our deeds , people Will be able to separate valuables from The garbage.LuvLuv!
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Interesting.. Keep it up dear...