1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Just as an iron rusts from disuse, and stagnant water loses its purity and functions hence poisonous to the body, so are we when we fail to update and maximize our talents .
Its one thing to be gifted and another thing to see it refined, developed and grow to maximize its use for the greater good. You know our ability to grow has little to do with our gifts or capabilities. But has everything to do with how we LEARN, UNLEARN AND RELEARN. It's hard to keep developing when we act as if we know it all . The most important skill a winner masters is learning how to learn! U know to always appear teachable. And developing ability to learn is not about competence or mental capacity but has everything to do with our attitude! And with the right ATTITUDE, APPROACH AND ACTION, ANYTHING IS ACHIEVABLE!
We will be able to stay smart and ahead of our yesterday by increasing our hunger for new knowledge, discovery and growth. When we STOP learning , we stall our growth and stop leading as well! Coz no one loves to follow an OUTDATED LEADER! STAY WISE AND KEEP LEARNING ! LuvLuv!
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