1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
LIFE will often break us down and not out of cruelty but because it wants to make us better than we were before!
LIFE is a battle field and the best strategy to use is to take out the biggest threat which is usually FEAR followed by it's second in command SPIRIT OF UNBELIEF. And once these are gone, the battle becomes half won coz every other obstacles becomes very easy to eliminate.
LIFE does not believe in the notion that we die for our dreams ! Coz it knows it makes more sense to SURVIVE FOR OUR PURPOSE ! And then inspire others with the result of this inspiration. There is nothing that life looks forward to other than happy endings!Just like the tale of ROMEO and JULIET , Romeo might have died for his love but come to think of it, this would have been the greatest love story ever if THEY HAD SURVIVED FOR EACH OTHER ! Coz sacrificing your life so that the love of your life lives sorrowfully ever after is not the best way to portray the universal most important element of life which is LOVE !
LIFE has different views about achieving goals . Some might believe come rain, come shine, the strongest always survives. Whilst others are convinced that winning is not all about being the strongest but blesses only the people that wants it more . Everyone is right because life actually works with what so ever that works for you. It recognizes the fact that we are all different and hence approaches things based on our own understanding . LuvLuv!
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Thanks Mr Ovakpo