Do u know the ancient Greek myth about the girl who tries to escape from hell? There is only one rule : U DON'T LOOK BACK! Hence no matter the pressure or temptation to take another glance backwards don't do it, feel the fears coz it brings out the courage to eventually win! Endure the anguish, the pain , the fatigue, the complications! Above all, smell the victory! Run as fast as your legs can carry to the other side! WIN THE RACE ALREADY!
U have come a long way in a short time! Don't give up now! Only a winner like U knows that the race is HALF WON AND NEVER HALF FUNISHED ! And nobody else deserves happy ending more than U! The prettiest part is that U've GOT THE POWER AND STRENGTH TO MAKE IT ALL OUT! WELCOME TO JULY ! THE MONTH OF SUFFICIENCY!LuvLuv.
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