Success is about readiness in the face of opportunities! And it's not enough to be just prepared, we need to be born ready that way we grow with every opportunity as it shows up!
Learn to get your hands busy and dirty! Because DIAMONDS are hidden not on the surface of the earth but undergrounds ! And only when we dig deep, that we get the chance of finding some of these precious stones for real!
Move that lazy ass already and start chasing and creating the dreams you want so badly. Sweat or bleed so hard if u have to, do what ever it takes coz great things don't just happen it requires reasonable amount of work on our own side. Just as U know, without cultivating a land there will be nothing to harvest! And there will be no rain without lighting and thunder! Again, without struggles, there won't be any significant progress in life! Hence EXPECT obstacles, failures, oppositions and the likes of them. Be ready to conquer as well
When it comes to achieving a set goal, there is no limit to our endurance ! Coz Nothing can break a person that is set out to achieve a dream at every possible cost .And that person is U hope you get that . In as much as success is the end game, working outside the confines of morality makes it NOT WORTH IT ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT.LuvLuv!
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Jane thanks thanks thanks,am so inspired
Thank you too Mr. Opiah. Am as motivated as U.
Jane inspiration is in u, u are indeed a sister! ur words will surely lead us to fruitful abodes.
Thank Mr. Ahmad! Am glad these words of inspiration is able to connect with U!