To every great evil we need greater remedies! And the route to all tremendous wealth has devil at every check points !And to successfully pass to the next point, we need to cross with qualified and required credentials or bribe our way through . Bear in mind that for every compromise today comes with greater consequences tomorrow! You can verify from those that sorted their way through school and after many years of graduation, have not being able to qualify for any employment opportunities! YOUR CALL!
If you want to understand how our past sins can be forgiven and their consequences we still suffer, ask the person living with HIV/AIDS! Anyone can make mistake but not everyone survives it! Hence before a mistake becomes one THINK TWICE!
Be motivated to pay the short term price for long run gain! It's hard most times to uphold great principles but trust me it's worth it because in the end it shall speak! Push through what ever we are meant to pass through ! Sweat real hard if that all it takes ! Avoid shortcuts it only makes us run in cricles! Don't be intimidated by negative forces! We are more powerful!
There is still hope! No matter how messed up things might seem we still have options ! And when we find ourselves backed into a conner, we don't just sit there, we man up! Rewrite the play book! Build everything from the ground up . There is no other time to flex our muscle than at our weakest and vulnerable point ! AS FAR AS THE SURVIVAL RACE IS CONCERN, THERE IS NO GAME OVER ONLY FINISH LINE! DON'T GIVE UP YET!LuvLuv!
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