Warriors are defined by their battle wounds ! They are not ashamed showing off their scars !
Every warrior is motivated by pain! And the harder a warrior bleeds the more fearless he becomes and more fiercely he fights!
The more the odds are stacked against a warrior the more he fights and the greater he conquers!
Warriors are hired by their own aspirations and quest, hence work tirelessly to exceed all expectations .
Regardless of what obstacles or challenges that confront warriors, they don't cave to any form pressure because of their sense of loyalty in seeing their course through its ultimate completion.
Warriors endure temporal pain because they have realized that no one gets to the channel of their dreams without journeying through every possible discomfort!
A warrior knows already that pain is inevitable and suffering is optional! They operate on the premise that every pain has a purpose and ordinary humans avoid pain while warriors are meant to eliminate them .
Warriors are broken down to be rebuilt! Warriors earn their stripes through mastering how to fix what's broken! Because they have come to the realization that things get worse before they get better !
Warriors don't just get second chances at life !They are they architect of their own do overs! BE A WARRIOR TODAY ! STOP LETTING BAD SITUATIONS WIN! U HAVE GOT THIS COVERED!LuvLuv!
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