overcoming adversity and cultivating a positive mindset in challenging times !


We can't  really blame bad apple for its condition without considering the fact that the tree might be poisoned! This is so because when the root or foundation of something is compromised, destruction is inevitable.

Some will  argue  that every individual should be governed by the principle of what is right and wrong and also take responsibility for every action! BUT everyone knows that without the software called CONSCIENCE installed in an individual  from the on set, programmes like RIGHT AND WRONG WON'T BE ABLE TO FUNCTION AT ALL! Hence the beginning of our lives determines to a large extent how the end turns out. 


Leadership is not an easy task, be it family, organization or religious body! The society is falling apart today because somehow along the line we missed it! A true leader is an inspiration to the followers! If as head of the home your children don't aspire to be U that means Some thing is not right! 


Loyalty is admirable in a follower but as a leader is a weakness as it compromises ones ability to make an objective judgement! And to be able to effectively lead, we have to sometimes step on toes or put our foot down. It's expected in a leader to stick to the rules at all times in other to effect positive change with the team. And the  leader's only GOAL should be influence the team enough to push beyond the boundaries of what is possible to reach bottom-line.

Leaders Inspire hardwork, truthfulness,openness and  objectiveness as well as  positive results! The reason why we have more religious body's as well as increase in crime today is because somehow the foundation is not right! Leaders don't preach the truth anymore, they rather make rules to suite their personal agenda hence injecting into the society compromised individual.

In a family, a child that does not know the value of money can never appreciate the hustle that brought about the wealth. And that speaks volume of the leadership at home! Am not saying don't spoil your child rotten with money that is in abundance BUT teach him or her how not to be WASTEFUL that goes a long way in determining his HUSTLING SPIRIT AS AN ADULT. Am not a preacher but I know that  to be able to produce good fruits, the tree must be healthy enough!Growing up I have serve under the leadership of many, some are points of life whilst some are examples of the kind of leader I don't want to be! It's all good and the beginning of a better US starts from the ROOTS! LuvLuv!

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Wow.... wow... what a piece, well said ,you know a genuine leader from excepts from his family,so its said CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME- SO IS LEADERSHIP. Thanks dear, nice piece.

Thank you Mr Emma!


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