1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
ln every stage and every step, make sure we are always pushing ourselves! Coz success is combination of series of conscious positive efforts directed towards a common goal. Success is not gotten over night neither is it the result of a one night stand push. Irrespective of how things turn out, we have to keep trying and improving ourselves every step of the way.
We are the architect of our lives and the hero of our own story. And the first step towards solving anything at all is accepting responsibility for our underachievements or wrong choices. Some believe that the reason they are stock with failure lies in the hands of another . They usually lay the blame on "their aged step mother , an uncle , grandparents or acesteral curse . But u know it is said that when we don't know who the enemy is, we start from people that looks like one .
One thing I have come to realize is we create our future with series of repeated actions . No one else is responsible how things turns out but US
LOOK AT THIS SCENARIO; Mr or Miss AB's Life style = Income + gambling +alcoholism + prostitution + feeding - savings - investments will always = DEFICIT ( Tell me ! who is the witch hunt now.)
Just know that when it comes to creating a great future, nothing is set on stone and if things aren't going right, the only thing left to do is not to point accusing fingers BUT to take the blame and retrace our steps and redirect it to the right direction. It's never too late until we refuse giving life another positive shot ! No one is a failure and our morning begins anytime we decide to wake up. The thing is everybody can and will become successful once we believe we have got all it takes and start now to work positively on our goal. Hence GO FIND A PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE AND CREATE ROLE FOR YOURSELF LuvLuv!
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