1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
"Dear Young Woman,
Your mind is an asset.... Invest in it... Outsmart your phone.... Update yourself....
Get yourself a degree.. Or maybe 2... Learn a Trade... Invest in RealEstate...
Look Good... But not better than your bank account.... Break Grounds.... End Relationships that don't grow you...
You don't have to stay to love.... You can walk away and still love.... You are an asset... You are not a liability....
Be the Woman who made him better... Not the Woman who made him broke... Be the Woman who invested in her Children... Not the Woman who used her Children to extort their Father...
Relationships are not financial plans... If you can't afford a lifestyle don't hate those who can... Go and Work ...and don't stop until you can afford it....
If your boyfriend, Breaks up with you in a restaurant... and he insists that you return everything he got you...there and then...
Will you go home naked... Will you have to loose your weave? Will your nail polish be cleaned because he paid for it...
Your bi-monthly pedicure costs as much as 20litres of paint... and you are still a tenant...
Your Hair costs approximately the same as a 5 plots of fertile farmland in Shagamu...
You never pay for any of this...your "boyfriend" does... Yet...you get mad when he askes for Sex🙄😅
Who services ...repairs...washes ...and even put gas in a car ...when he isn't permitted to ride in🙄😥
Some Ladies will get angry that I didn't attack men in this post... truth is I am not attacking ladies either.... I am just talking to any woman who wants to be treated like an Asset that she must be an asset...
I am not a man... have no idea what it takes to be a man... but I am a Woman... .. I am an Asset and every man that has ever come my way before and after My King... has always being well behaved... because no body wears bathroom Slippers to the Opera☺
Be a Woman of Class... And see the kind of Men..you attract.... You can be Goldly... Sexy...Witty...Wealthy... and Happy... Trust me... You can..."
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