1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Something is better than nothing ! As an unemployed , dependent ,empty pocket fellow ! Selecting and rejecting some certain jobs you think does not befit your person is not smart at all! IT MAKES NO SENSE NOT TO WANT TO WORK TO MAKE A LIVING BUT MORE COMFORTABLE BEGGING TO SURVIVE!
Taking up some deals you think its beneath you or your qualifications is NOT SETTLING BUT JUST SURVIVING THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT! The only people I know that are super selective even when they are very hungry are SICK PEOPLE! And the people that cannot afford to feed even when they really want to are POOR people! Finally the people that can afford not only to feed, but all kinds of delicacies of their choice ARE THE PEOPLE YOU WANNA EMULATE TRUST ME! Remember everything up above the sky today took off from the ground!
I have never learnt how to beg ! Thank my stars for that and it has been helping me! I put myself under pressure when my pocket is about to hit zero or taking a free fall! I do that because I can't afford to ask someone else or be at the mercy of anyone . I WENT TO SCHOOL ON SOMEONE ELSE'S DOLLAR !I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR THAT FAVOUR ! But afterwards my FUTURE becomes my obsession! Success fuels my drive and direct my every move. I have gone ! Seen and still conquering!
Life is not about what happens to who and why ! It's about being able to withstand EVERYTHING it throws at you! Be aggressive when it comes to your mission . A crocodile seems very quiet until it's about to feed ! Nothing comes easy we have to PLAN AND CHASE WHAT WE WANT! LuvLuv!
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Beautiful..... Thanks
Your welcome Mr Eruata