1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Some prisoners aren't bound by chains or locked up in cells! Most time we find ourselves caged in the prison of our own Ambitions! Rage! Insecurities! Addictions! Fantasies! And mental prison is the worst cell ever and TIMELY ESCAPE requires one hell of a fight !
TIME ! It waits for no one they said! And everyone has its birth and death TIME! We all at some point in life experience sorrowful and joyful TIMES! Some believe time heals all wounds but what about those diabetic patients that have lost count on how long they have been managing their wounds! Others assume that with time all things are possible does that still apply to AFRICAN TIMERS! Time is actually what we make out of it and not really how long the clock has been ticking!
One day is made of 24 hours! 1,440 minutes equal to that same day too! it can also be calculated as 86,400 seconds!That is time for you how ever we count is up to us! Time always runs weather we like it or not ! Some lose track of time busy helping others grow while they advanced themselves too! SOME incarcerated persons counts every seconds of everyday wishing it could run faster ! There are others wishing to turn back the hands of time to right a terrible wrong! WHAT EVER THE CASE MIGHT BE! THE REALITY IS THE CLOCK ALWAYS TICKS ! To be able to stop-watch we have to focus more on making time count other than counting it! Don't live life on the clock! It will only drive one to an early grave ! Make an impact with what ever time in your hands! Create your legacy ! Make an imprint in the society!Make yourself unforgettable by maximizing today! Live forever in the hearts of people by being good example to others! One day is just 24 hours but that's enough to change everything ! Don't be a prisoner of self ! Break free from everything that must have held you bound! Including Time ! LuvLuv!
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Wise talk.. God so bless you with wisdom.. Great job..Jane
As true as truth can be, I do pray u continue to grow in more wisdom. God bless u
Thank you very much Solomon !
Thank you very much Newton de Great !