1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
I am Unique with a beautiful soul! I am Smart ! Attractive! Bright! Powerful! Precious! Audacious! and Confidence ! I am a CATCH! I am the next best thing that happens in my time ! I am honest !I am accountable! I am imperfect ! I am rear! I am human! I am me!
I strive for the best and work for what I deserve ! I go a lot further than ever before that's how I outgrow my formal glory and break new boundaries!
I don't have to have it all handled ! I make mistakes, learn and move forward from them! Every of my lows drive me to do a lot much better and I don't let my highs in life get into my head and make me lose essence of life itself I see every greater height as a reward for a job well done and an opportunity to perform more ! I have fears but I let courage walk me pass through them and that's the bravery that sets me apart from the multitude.
I don't believe in second chances because we are not cats blessed with nine lives ! We live and die once and after that what ever follows , follows ! With that in mind I try to make the best out of every situation! I LOVE as much as I can! Hurt as much as everyone else! Bleed when necessary and play more than one can ever imagine !
Life is short ! I make sure am not just alive but live as well! I make every moment counts! You should too! Don't be so hard on yourself ! Don't judge yourself a little harshly! Don't use someone else's milestone measure your own achievements ! Embrace your own unique nature! Figure out your design and carve your own niche!
Everyone of us is timed differently ! At the appointed time the egg that house your own glory is gonna crack open! Believe ! Work while you wait for your all time high!LuvLuv!
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Beautiful... Thanks
Thank you very much Solomon! Wish us all the best today and always