1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Everyone wants a fantastic future! We Dream! We work hard! We pray Hoping the universe blesses our hustle! One thing is certain, we can't pray away life's struggles by doing nothing about it! Until we take positive action towards changing things for good, it becomes even worse and difficult to move forward!
In life, bad luck is banished and good luck initiated once we realize that in this HUSTLING ARENA! we are FATE ! We determine whats gonna happen next with our input now! The FUTURE OF OUR ENTIRE LIFE DEPENDS MOSTLY ON OUR CREATIVITY. It's very good to have faith as well as believing we can but more productive working that faith and believe through the cause of action that generates the outcome we want .
To be known as master of the game, you can't afford to play for two teams at the same time! You are either team YOU or NOT! Just as no one can be the opposing and defensive counsel at once! We can't go far doubting our ability to perform, just as we can't achieve much feeling inferior. Each and every one of us are uniquely made and don't ever believe otherwise or let anyone dim your light.We are amazing creatures!
The road is rough and there are many dangers! It pays to know this upfront as it gets us ready to face the world as it unleashes it's worst or offloads every heavy load in it's possession on us.
Always be ready and never quit on yourself! Possess the get it right this time spirit ! And BE PREPARED FOR THE BIG WIN! COZ Life steals from the unprepared and hand over to those always on the standby! Get ready coz our turn is NOW!LuvLuv.
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