1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
In life, some prefer baby-steps , going for all the easy stuffs! Taking up only deals that guarantee sure wins ! We believe it's better to rack up some easy victories than make an ass of ourselves! If that's where you coming from there is no problem but one thing we should know is that ONE NEVER MAXIMIZES FULL POTENTIAL TAKING UP EASY UNDERTAKINGS ! Until we have got the gut to trade in an unfamiliar field, there wouldn't be chance to achieve the unexpected results ! Again the things that takes our breath away! Scares the hell out of us always land the big wins.
UNTIL WE DARE ! WE DON'T GET ANYWHERE! Some play very low key games in other to avoid unsuitable situations! The thing is NO ONE avoids bad outcomes and expect to overcome and come out great at the end of the day! Greatness comes when we push beyond the limit of what's possible !TRIAL IS 90% SUCCESS AND THERE ARE NO SURE TRIES! Coz Trying means we are laying everything on the table! And that we are ready for the GOOD! BAD! UGLY AND AMAZING RESULTS ! The reality is some cashes out others one year salary as monthly bonus because they journeyed through the uneasy paths to fulfill dreams ! They do the irregular jobs that others are not used to or scared of! That's the beauty of surprising everyone including yourself with gigantic winnings!
Be hungry! Stay hungry coz hunger inspires creativity! No lazy moments! Coz that's the best way to get to the top! Chase ideas that suits your vision! Associate with people that fit in your dreams! Act on the things you are suppose to be working on! Make a list of long and short term goals and device a plan on how everything on that check list will be accomplished! WE ARE ALLOWED TO BE UNREASONABLE WHEN IT COMES TO OUR DREAMS!LET PEOPLE CALL YOU CRAZY IT DOES NOT MATTER COZ YOUR RESULT IT'S GONNA PROOF THEM WRONG! GO OUT OF THE WAY! SHOT FOR MOON! DREAM BIG! COZ CHANCES ARE WE MIGHT ACTUALLY HIT THE BIGGEST JACKPOT IN THE HISTORY OF SUCCESS! And logistically speaking, that's realistically possible!LuvLuv!
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