1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Greatness needs game changers! Someone whose existence alters the course of history for good! Someone to reverse the impossible and show off the greatness of this world reserve only for the POSSIBLE FEW!
This life needs someone with so much audacity and agility to make an attempt, rise from the ashes of this imperfect world and make it all shine!
ARE YOU THAT SOMEONE? Are you brave enough to head out with your shield, bow and arrow in a heated battle to quench and win the war? Or are you just another coward that hides behind the cover of fear, blames and regrets to defend mediocrity?
HOW CAN ONE BECOME THAT SOMEONE? Someone like Nelson Mandela who protested, imprisoned, suffered and fought till the end for the freedom of his people! He changed the course of history and stood his ground and never compromised regardless of the pressure. FOREVER HISTORY WOULD ALWAYS CELEBRATE SUCH BRAVERY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT. WHAT SACRIFICE CAN YOU MAKE TO ENSURE FAIR AND JUST TREATMENT OF OTHERS?
Politics has become a term used in the society to cover up an atrocity or bring innocent persons to their knees ! To force their hands until they compromise ! Nowadays we hear something like; COOPERATE POLITICS! POLITICAL POLITICS! FAMILY POLITICS! RELIGIOUS POLITICS! POLITICS POLITICS! DON'T BE DISCOURAGED MY PEOPLE ALWAYS UPHOLD THE TRUTH COZ IN END YOU WILL REALIZE THAT PERSONAL POLICY ALWAYS WIN ALL KINDS OF POLITICS! And one sure thing to know is that those that play politics always gets played politically! History is here as evidence too!LuvLuv!
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