1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
A man facing death by firing squad has only two options ! To accept his fate or push against his restraints before any shot is fired. It's a matter of choice! You know that moment when the universe is kind of screaming: WATCH YOU DIE OR DO SOMETHING TO PREVENT THAT FROM HAPPENING TODAY! YOU DECIDE!
Don't be in the habit of accepting things! Come to think of it if Thomas Anderson had accepted the first ninety-nine (99) of his failed experiment as a sigh that IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE AND THEN QUIT! THERE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN LIGHT BULBS TODAY! People often use phrases like: Oh that's the way it has always been! What can I really do that hasn't been done! It's all a waste of time you will see! There is nothing else left to be done! It's just as it is! Instead of completely giving up, come on! why don't we try out another way! Use different method, research, ask others who have been in that situation , read more ,Push front ! Push back! That's how solutions are found! New inventions spring up! Just remember that !
Do you know why heroes are POWERFUL BEING and often celebrated? It's because to get to where they have been requires great work and doing things most dread to do! It involves taking risk majority perceive as dangerous! They are great thinkers ! The most proactive, organised and strategic persons on planet earth ! They plan every deal , move and execution. They never give anyone reason(s) to say NO to them or their dreams as they do everything humanly possible to take out NO from their VOCABULARY and hence YES BECOMES THE ONLY WORD THEY ARE USED TO. When everything becomes YES !It impossible to lose out!LuvLuv
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Exactly. Heros are serious minded and focus people, without this qualities they be easily distracted, when distraction comes.
Thank you very much anonymous!Focus is highly needed to survive the noise of this world