1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
In our dreams most times , we are all made! And all sufferings, disappointments and betrayal are eliminated! In fairy tale version of life, we are all kings and queens! But reality wakes us up and put things in it's right perspective. Life will always be real! No show business in here! We live it as we 've planned and work it and not as we 've wished !
To a child, the princess would always be raised from dead with just a kiss ! But to a full grown adult, we all know the dead aren't coming back no more! A child worries not where the next meal comes from but prays for the appetite to eat what has being cooked. To an average grown person, where to fetch the next meal is the well of miracle that must be worked on tirelessly every day in other to prevent it from running dry!
To a child, there is no problem that cannot be solved! Every hard stuff disappears magically just with a spoken word! To them there are no extreme cases! No worst case scenario! But as we mature, we realize that it's wisdom to know when to call it! When to leave the fire alone and let it burn! Coz we know that lost of property is nothing compare to lost of life hence when the structure is not safe anymore and the fire is extremely hot we stay away! Access every situation with great wisdom and know when to run for your dear life and live to fight another day!
We don't live in fantasy island where everything appears at our command! Realistically, our dream works if we work it! WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON RIGHT NOW ? WHAT IS THE PLAN AND THE WAY FORWARD? THE ONLY TRICK THAT WORKS DREAM IN LIFE IS HARD WORK!
THERE IS NO MAGIC ANYWHERE! Even magicians know that the secret behind their success lies in uncountable hours spent perfecting their trick! Every magician would testify that the actual trick that dazzled you was as a result of great passion and skill nurtured through practice so that the audience can be impressed and the presumed magical act believable . There is nothing stopping us from putting up great show in life we just have to work hard enough ! NO EXCUSES! Coz you know when we build these walls of excuses around us , then success finds no way to snick in !LuvLuv!
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