1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
ABORTION: This can be defined as the termination of unwanted pregnancy at the earliest stage possible. One thing we should understand is that it is morally wrong to kill a seed God planted in the form of pregnancy. Sexual accident might have occurred as some claims, but facing the consequences of such action is the best solution ever ! SAY NO TO ABORTION!
As women, we should understand that abortion does not make one unpregnant , the moment we decided to remove a pregnancy, we automatically become THE MOTHER OF A DEAD CHILD. Aborting a pregnancy is like killing future PRESIDENT!DOCTOR! OR THE BEST GENIUS IN THE HISTORY OF SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION. Come to think of it, if Facebook's MOTHER had decided to kill him in the womb prematurely before his talent was unleashed she wouldn't have enjoyed the affluence and respect that comes with giving birth to a GENIUS! WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE FATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IF HE WAS FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET AS CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR HAVING UNPROTECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE? What if opera Wilfred was aborted ? Being the strongest, powerful and richest woman, her story of struggles and triumphs has actually inspired several women who face similar challenges to push more and see the light behind their darkest moments! Listen! Circumstances or wrong choices might have made one a MOTHER by accident ! It's very wise to decide to be a MOTHER by choice! WE SAY NO TO ABORTION!
Before you commit an abortion, have you consider the fact that the aborted baby might be your only chance of biologically becoming a MUM or DAD? There has been series of confessions and regrets from couples who aborted and hence has being unable to conceive thereafter .
Biblically speaking,there is a reason we are warned as believers never to spill blood of another soul! This is because by taking a life we didn't give, there is part of us that is lost forever with it and some section of our destiny we can never get back. BE WARNED!
As medical doctors, stand with no to abortion! Don't let someone else's sin be dumbed on your conscience! Medicine is a proud profession and Doctors on the other hand are respected individuals that sworn an oath to always safe lives and not be used as an instrument to destroy one . THE FUTURE OF EVERY HUMAN BEING IS DEEP! SECRED AND NOT WORTH DESTROYING! I STAND WITH NO TO ABORTION SO SHOULD YOU!LuvLuv!
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