1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
LIFE................IS WHAT U MAKE OUT OF IT!
Life is more hard than easy! We are living on borrowed and limited time! Hence! Be resourceful! Useful and Powerful! Our gender! Race! Past and what ever it is that seems like limitations are not the problem! We are the only missing puzzle when it comes to making marks in life!
Always fight for what you believe no matter who it scares !
No matter what! Look at today and see NEW beginnings, choices , hope and possibilities.
Write your own story, speak your truth, make a mark and accept no one's definition ! Define yourself ! We are more than what it takes ! We are not just enough, we are good enough! We are the big deal! Don't let fear cage your hope and freedom! It's not over until we fail to push further to the finish line ! Sweat it out! Bleed it out if that's WHAT IT TAKES !
our winning starts the moment we realize that we have to conquer the battles within before the war on the outside can be won! Battles like : pain, betrayal! self insufficiency , dyslexia, poverty ,low self-esteem, pity, depression and every other drama going on within should be defeated COZ that a the first step into liberation!
Our believe system is the INVISIBLE HANDS pushing and directing us to destiny! All that is required is for us to get a life, set things in motion and fuel with it our DAILY ACTIVITIES ! CHOICES ! DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS! Asking how its going to get done is not our concern! IT'S LIKE ASKING RAIN HOW IT GETS WHERE ! Play your role and allow the universe to surprise you!
Betrayal is as old as the air we breath! As we go through life , people will offend us, break our trust , accuse and denial us but remember TO DO NOTHING ABOUT IT COZ KARMA SERVES BETTER JUDGMENT THAN REVENGE! Revenge is one hell of a drug! If It's side effect does not destroy one ,over dose of it certainly will send one to an early grave!
Being born without money is not good enough reason to die broke! Hustle hard! Give life everything you have got! This is because a person that has nothing to lose ,has everything to fight for . What ever it is we are battling with! I SAY CONQUER IT ALL!
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