1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Passion originated from the latin word PAIN! To be passionate about something means going through thick and thin to get it established! A woman passionate about having a family endures the pain of child birth to bring forth her baby! A man passionate about providing for his family does not care about how much he sweats or bleeds to make that happen! PASSION IS PAIN! YOU IN OR OUT!
Successful people are known and celebrated by what they have achieved and no one ever cared to know how they got there ! Success is like erecting a building , at first we plan, assemble all the materials needed and then it gets messy as the engineer try making sense of everything with what he knows but in the end we have that magnificent house of a life time .
Life teaches us by what we lack and want to gain by all means ! It inspires us through the hope we have in our dreams ! Even when we work through the valley of the shadows of pain! Courage helps us not to feel afraid but to match boldly, fight squarely and survive !
In the middle of every life's turbulence, the quiet might be so loud and the silence deafening! The heaviest sound at that moment might be that of our heartbeat! Do not be frightened TAKE A VERY DEEP BREATH AND FORGE AHEAD COZ IN THE END THAT TOO SHALL PASS! We are being refined the fire of life just as GOLD ! Be diligently sincere in all dealings! Do not envy the fortunate rather work hard and wait for your own manna! Fail forward! let your last mistake be the best teacher ever!LuvLuv .
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