Nothing ventured nothing gained says a wise man! As far as you have come as young as you has nothing to do with LUCK! YOU baked this cake that the universe iced!
The problem might not be insufficient employment opportunities but unemployable applicants ! What can you do! What values are you putting out there ! What have you done in the past that proves you can fit in and stand in the gap ! Why do you want to be part of this process ! What is the inspiration behind your person! What pushes you to exceed boundaries! If you have had it all figured out why are your numbers at constant decrease! Some of us are lost in this tough world and instead of fighting to regain direction we busy blaming the palm tree for growing taller and the Forest for harboring such wild dangerous animals .
What are you up to ! What is the future in that plan! Some of us can hardly point out our goals and target for the next fives years ! What and Who do you wish to become many years from now ! Most times we are very fast at pointing accusing fingers why things aren't working even with our brain offline and our hands lazing around! What else do you expect in this state of emptiness and wasteful lifestyle !
There is always dignity in labour! Leave pride aside and venture into something that guarantees that next meal! And what ever that is do it diligently and honestly and your pocket shall never lack gold!LuvLuv.
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