1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Hungry ! Intelligent! Inquisitive! Smart! Open-minded and Sincere individuals rise above every obstacles in life!
Everyone of us bleeds once there is a cut and that proofs that there are no super-humans anywhere . Successful individuals walk through hard rocks of life to the other side of the track enthusiastically to become champions that we see today! They never cut-corners, cheated or take another's glory!
Never expect an easy sail! And don't give up so soon! YOUR FIGHT IS NOT OVER! When the storm of life rages ! YOU DON'T PANIC! YOU BECOME THE STORM! When failure pushes forward YOU PUSH BACK! Thorns of life are normal ! Some days will be harder than others and others more blissful than ever! Just survive through all of these moments !
All incarcerated individuals that are actually innocent just hold on to the believe that every wrongfully accused shall be exonerated! And all guilty individuals shall be condemned to the prison of their own offense! It's quite unfortunate that we live in the world where truth are covered by sentiments/lies and the innocent condemned as a result of such injustice. I strongly believe that ;there is nothing that is hidden under the sun, if the rain does not expose it, the wind will and when the wind fails, the earth will throw it forth. We should all live life that is worth emulating! The universe rewards bountifully as well! My all in one advise to all including myself! LuvLuv!
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