1. Toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life. 2. Self-centered individuals who only care about their own nee...
Too much FUN makes the FUNDS go down! It's always wise to pay now and play later!
Unable to plan enables failures!
For every PRIZE! There is a PRICE! Every CAUSE comes with its COST! In pain lies the pay!
The longest way to SUCCESS is the SHORT-CUTS!
LAME people BLAME others for an outcome that is entirely their making!
Out of every suffering rises THE GLORY!
The more we reject the things we can't face, the worse it becomes! Nothing gets CONQUERED until it's CONFRONTED!
Sometimes when we unpack a baggage and repack, the load is not as heavy!
Nothing moves unless it's moved!
There comes a time in everyone's life when we are forced to face the music of our own rhythm!
When we stick around barbers shop long enough,we are surely gonna get a haircut!
Politics and terrorism are different ends of same snake! Which ever end we grab, we still grab snake!
Nothing brings people together like a common enemy!
In a street fight, the person with NOTHING to lose is the one to BET on! He will fight fiercely and without fear coz everything there is to lose ,he has already lost! Hence he will bleed till his last drop of blood to redeem his honour! And the other person with SOMETHING to lose, fights with pride and fear and that jeopardizes his chances!
He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior!
Sometimes by losing a battle, we find new ways to win the WAR!
We can never win any battle underestimating the enemy or micro-managing our allies!
The only alleviation to poverty is OPPORTUNITY!
The difference between a THIEF and CORRUPT politician is POWER! One is forbidden by LAW but the other one is THE LAW!
When planning for success!It's wise to anticipate failure!
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