* Success is not built on dreams but on sacrifices and struggles!
* The road to failure is paved with excuses! The ability to ignore distractions and move forward with our goal accelerates success!
*Stay ready! So that you don't have to be ready !
* Don't just be on time ! Be early!
* Fight harder never to become what you have always struggled to defeat !
* It's wise to bet on people and not the letters before or after their names !
* We will get to where we are suppose to if we do the work!
* Sometimes what seems as success is nothing but victory with a terrible loss!
* Sometimes it's very difficult to celebrate because even in success , WE obsess what could have been better !
* The first language success understands is HUSTLE!
* Some believes there is nothing like predestination! We are destined to make a choice! Some choose to become darkness while others light a match to eliminate their darkness !
* Life gives the good apples alongside with the rotten ones in other to create a balance!
* Experience is the sum total of our thoughts, actions and reactions!
* Life might be all about the street!But it's a choice to actually let the street win!
* No matter how fast a lie runs! It can never out run the truth!
* We all live through things that test us! But how we cope or process defines it all in the end!LuvLuv
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